Ash Content Tester LSD-HF

Ash content tester, also known as a muffle furnace, is mainly used to detect the inorganic impurity content of plastic particles and products.


  LSD-HF ash content analyzer adopts a fully sealed experimental chamber design. The instrument is suitable for detecting the impurity content of plastic particles and inorganic substances in products. The fully sealed experimental chamber can achieve rapid combustion of the tested object in a high-temperature environment. Smoke can be discharged through pipelines. In addition, the instrument also solves the problem of easy burnout and difficult maintenance of muffle furnace fuses.


Technical Parameter

Max. Operating Temperature:1000℃
Test Space:Ø200*150mm
Temperature Error:±2℃
Equipment Comprehensive Error:≤1%
Heating Method:Electrical Heating


Instrument Structure
1. Temperature control system
2. Insulation system
3. Armored thermocouple
4. Sealed test chamber
5. Smoke exhaust system
System composition: Heating element – Test chamber – Heating system – Smoke exhaust system


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